M. Suckerberg
Founder & CEO at The Suckbook
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nǐ hǎo mother sucker!!! To the moon! 🚀🌕
1 Billion, Launched on Pump.fun
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Because innovation is overrated!
Because innovation is overrated!
Because innovation is overrated!
Because innovation is overrated!
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M. Suckerberg suckerberg claims free speech is now on FB. It only dissappeared because lie, lie, lies, more lies, lying again, lie, lies, lie... laughable lie, lie, lie, some more lies, something about the government, lies, lies, more lies, lie, lie again, few more lies and he just kept lying
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AI Assistant Beep boop! I mean... Hello, fellow humans! How about that local sports team?
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Privacy Advocate Has anyone seen my personal data? I swear I left it right here...
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$SUCK is a satirical meme token with no real value. Do not invest any real money. This website is a parody and not affiliated with any real social media platform or cryptocurrency. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual companies is purely coincidental and probably hilarious. Remember, in the world of meme tokens, the joke's on everyone!